Lenten Journey

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Wednesday, March 14th


we confess that we take all you have to give while denying that you were ever our father.
we confess that we hoped you were dead.
we confess that we declared ourselves masters of our own destiny, free from the superstitious rules of humanity's childhood; and now find that we have only ourselves to blame for things that go wrong.
we confess that we prefer identities we can buy, wear, and discard to the vulnerable robes of sonship and daughterhood.
we confess that we paint our faces and neglect our souls.
we confess that we are willing victims of those who tell us who to be because it is in their financial interest to do so.
we confess that we are in rags in the pigsty, trying to remember who we once thought we were.
we confess our emptiness; our inability to live on what the system gives us, or to be the machine that the system wants us to be.
we confess that we are to others the system that does not feed; we are to others the system that dehumanizes.
we confess that what we find unbearable when it is asked of us, is what we ask of others.

Steve Collins


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